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Summer 2024 Staged Reading Series AUDITIONS August 4th

Summer 2024
Staged Reading Series
AUDITIONS August 4th

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley (www.aeofberkeley.org) is accepting in-person and video auditions for our Summer 2024 staged reading series,, performed in conjunction with Molière's "The Imaginary Invalid, directed by Jay Manley, which opens August 24th in John Hinkel Park.

The reading series will be rehearsed and performed at LaVal's Subterranean Theater, 1834 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94709,  just north of the U.C. Berkeley Campus and accessible by BART.  The readings for which we are accepting applications are Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Missing Mystery, written and directed by Tyler Scott Null, and  Karen Marguerite Caronna's The Trial of Katharina Kepler, directed by Neil Harkins.   

Details, audition instructions, synopsis, and characters follow below.  Use the "next" button to go to additional pages on the form where you will be able to add information such as your name, conflicts, monologues, etc.  Make sure you finish the form and hit "submit".  You will not be able to go back and edit the form again.


ACTORS ENSEMBLE OF BERKELEY is now accepting in-person and video auditions for our August 2024 Staged Reading Series, to be performed and rehearsed at LaVal's Subterranean Theater in north Berkeley in late August. Details about the show and character descriptions are in separate sections below.

Open auditions for both shows will be Sunday, August 4th, 5-9:45 pm at LaVal's.  We prefer that you audition in-person, but the option of a video audition is provided.  Auditions will be self-scheduled, with mulitple folks scheduled for each 15-minute window using Signup Genius, please arrive at least 15 minutes beforehand.

Auditions will be via cold read of provided sides, possibly in conjunction with other actors.

We regularly cast cross-gender and cross-type, and we actively seek folks of all ages, races, genders, and persuasions to audition.  Ages and Genders specified below are characteristics of the role, not necessarily of the actor playing the role. 

We provide a (very) small expense reimbursement per actor per production for actors cast in the role.

The Trial of Katharina Kepler, by Karen Marguerite Caronna, directed by Neil Harkins:

"The Trial of Katharina Kepler" is the story of a witch hunt in which the witch is the mother of a famous scientist.

In 1621, Johannes Kepler, the father of modern astronomy, is called to his birth town to defend his mother in a trial for witchcraft. As the trial progresses, his own scientific work is called into question as heretical. Can he save her? Can he save himself? The play resonates with current themes of oppression, oppression of women, retrograde anti-science beliefs, nonsensical but serious accusations.

Performance:  Friday, Aug. 23  8 p.m.

Rehearsals the evenings of Aug. 21 and 22.

The play has 6 characters, with doubled and tripled roles.
KATHARINA KEPLER f. 72 cantankerous, accused of witchcraft.
LUTHER EINHORN m 50s magistrate/governor. political climber.
URBAN KRÄUTLIN- m 30s ursula’s brother. social climber.
URSULA REINBOLD f 40s slatternly.
JOHANNES KEPLER. m. 49 slight build. a smallpox survivor. a “van-dyke” beard, twisted hands, impaired vision, clumsy.
CHRISTOPH KEPLER m. 40s. katharina’s other son. pewterer.
MARGARET BINDER f. 40s katharina’s daughter. wife to binder.
PASTOR BINDER m. 40s katharina’s son-in-law. prig.
MATTHEW M. 25 prison guard. sympathetic but dutiful.
MAGISTRATE DIETRICH m. as magistrates will be.

six actors total: 2 women, 4 men playing 12 + characters
roles of KATHARINA and JOHANNES not doubled.
suggested multiple roles:

Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Missing Mystery, written and directed by Tyler Scott Null

Sherlock Holmes has been at the top of his game for years now. And he’s put away all the biggest criminals of London’s underworld. But now, he’s getting bored. And the books aren’t selling so well, without a worthwhile villain to go up against. So when Sherlock’s publisher decides to create a crime spree for Sherlock to solve…. It really seems like a great idea. But things quickly run off the rails as Sherlock and his friends end up in over their heads, and many past literary exaggerations become exposed.

This comedic take on the Sherlock world is meant as a romp for both young and old audiences, whether they are fans or entirely unacquainted with the Sherlock Rogues Gallery.

Performance Tuesday, Aug. 27, 8 p.m.

Rehearsals Aug. 25, 26 evenings

Characters in the play:
SHERLOCK HOLMES - The “Greatest Detective who ever lived”
DOCTOR JOHN WATSON - The author of the Sherlock Holmes novels, and Sherlock’s longtime friend and roommate.
MARY MORSTAN - Watson's fiancé.
MRS. HUDSON - The owner of the Baker Street house.
THOMAS UNDERTOOTH - The publisher of the Sherlock Holmes novels.
EVIE TAWDRY - Undertooth's assistant
IRENE ADLER - An ex-associate of Holmes & Watson.
WIGGINS - The Head of the Baker Street Irregulars.
LURA - Another member of the Baker Street Irregulars.
INSPECTOR LESTRADE - The Lead Detective at Scotland Yard
LT. DAWDLER - Lestrade's 2nd in command.
LORD BURWELL - The head of Britain's State Department.
JUDITH BLOWTELL - A well-known criminal in London.
HORACE BLOWTELL - Known criminal in London - husband to Judith.
PROFESSOR JAMES MORIARTY - Sherlock Holmes greatest nemesis.
characters populating London. These roles are meant to be played in conjunction
with one another.


What to submit:  Fill out the form below by Sunday, August 3rd at 9 a.m..  We prefer that you audition in-person (please make sure you sign up using the Sign Up Genius link below) but provide the option of providing a video audition.

Link to audition  form:


 Link to sign up form:


Note: If you have problems/questions please write us significantly before the deadline at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank You

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley is delighted to acknowledge the Berkeley Civic Arts Program and Civic Arts Commission's support in the form of a grant of $8,000.00 awarded in 2017. Also, a thank you to Theatre Bay Area for a grant of $2,500.00.

Actors Ensemble Facebook Group

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley - P.O. Box 663 - Berkeley - California - 94701 ¦ Our Answering Service: (510) 649-5999 ¦

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID #946139640, since 04-1967