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Death of a Salesman - AUDITIONS September 15th and 16th, 2024

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley is accepting in-person and video auditions for our November 2024 production of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

The production will be rehearsed partially at Temple Beth Hillel, 801 Park Central, Richmond, CA 94803, with later rehearsals and all performances at LaVal's Subterrean Theater, 1301 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94707, in the basement of LaVal's Pizza, just north of the U.C. Berkeley Campus, within walking distance of BART.

Details, audition instructions, synopsis, and characters follow in the audition form here:


Use the "next" button to go to additional pages on the form where you will be able to add information such as your name, conflicts, monologues, etc. Make sure you finish the form and hit "submit". You will not be able to go back and edit the form again.

ACTORS ENSEMBLE OF BERKELEY is now accepting in-person and video auditions for our November 2024 production of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, and directed by Michael R. Cohen to be performed at LaVal's Subterranean Theater in north Berkeley.

Open auditions will be Sunday, September 15, 6-9:45 pm and Monday, September 16, 6-9:45 pm at Temple Beth Hillel 801 Park Central Richmond 94803 . We prefer that you audition in-person, but the option of a video audition is provided. Auditions will be self-scheduled, with 2 to 3 actors scheduled for each 15-minute window using Signup Genius (linked in the Audition Form), please arrive at least 15 minutes beforehand.

Auditions will be via cold read of provided sides..

We regularly cast cross-gender and cross-type, and we actively seek folks of all ages, races, genders, anod persuasions to audition. Ages specified below are characteristics of the role, not necessarily of the actor playing the role. Non-AEA. No pay. We provide a smalll expense reimbursement per actor of $200 (in total) for actors cast in the role.
Performances: Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays, November 15 to December 1

Rehearsals begin October 6, at Temple Beth Hillel. Rehearsals at LaVal's Subterranean Theatre begin the first week of November.

A tentative rehearsal and performance schedule is here:


The play has 13 characters, to be played by 10 actors.
Willy Loman (60-85)
Linda Loman (55-85)
Happy Loman (25-40)
Biff Loman (25-40)
Bernard (25-40)
The Woman (20-45)
Charley (50-70)
Uncle Ben (50-85)
Howard Wagner (35-55)
Jenny (20-45)
Stanley (25-80)
Miss Forsythe (20-45)
Letta (20-45)

HOW TO AUDITION----------------------------
What to submit:
(1) Fill out the audition form linked above by Sunday, September 15th at 5 p.m., and sign up for an audition slot using SignUp Genius if you are auditioning in person. We prefer that you audition in-person but provide the option of providing a video audition.

(2) If you have problems/questions please write us significantly before the deadline at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Death of a Salesman
by Arthur Miller
Directed by Michael R. Cohen
produced by Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
Nov. 15th through Dec. 1st
LaVal's Subterreanan Theatre
1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
(in the basement of LaVal's Pizza)

Actors Ensemble
P.O. Box 663
Berkeley, CA 94701
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A 501(3)(c) organization

Thank You

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley is delighted to acknowledge the Berkeley Civic Arts Program and Civic Arts Commission's support in the form of a grant of $8,000.00 awarded in 2017. Also, a thank you to Theatre Bay Area for a grant of $2,500.00.

Actors Ensemble Facebook Group

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley - P.O. Box 663 - Berkeley - California - 94701 ¦ Our Answering Service: (510) 649-5999 ¦

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID #946139640, since 04-1967